VI Symposium of Student Exchange was held at SMS - Unicamp
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
18 de novembro de 2019


The International Office (ERI) of School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp) promoted the VI Symposium of Student Exchange of SMS - Unicamp on November 11th, 2019, at College Congregation Room of SMS. The event was supported by the Executive Board of International Relations (DERI) of Unicamp and the Scientific Directorate (DC) Adolfo Lutz of SMS, receiving a total of 40 participants.

The opening ceremony received professor Claudio S. R. Coy, Associated Dean of SMS - Unicamp; professor Mariano Laplane, Chair of DERI - Unicamp; professor Gustavo P. Fraga, coordinator of SMS's International Office, and Henriquy A. Coelho, Director of DC Adolfo Lutz.

The event, in english, received three lectures by videoconference: Importance of Simulation on medical education, with professor Piotr Koleda, from Wroclaw Medical University, Poland; Collaboration between Hamad Medical Corporation and Unicamp, by professor Ruben Peralta, from  Doha, Qatar;  and The journey trom Unicamp to University of Toronto, with professor Filipe N. C. Santos, past student and resident in Anesthesiology at SMS - Unicamp.

Professor Marco Aurélio P. Lima presented the lecture about the International Hub for Sustainable Development (HIDS), and Flávio E. Polillo Filho and Michel Stockler talked about the Experience of Unicamp medical students at University of Birmingham, UK. The last lecture about the Experience of an Unicamp medical student at Universität Hamburg, Germany, was presented by Paula Rebello.

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