University of Barcelona's Institute of Biomedical Research hosted Raquel Leal, from SMS Unicamp, as a visiting professor
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
06 de maio de 2024


Professor Raquel Franco Leal, from Surgery Department of School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of Unicamp, was a visiting professor at the Institut D’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS), from April 25th to 30th. IDIBAPS integrates the Hospital Clínic of the University of Barcelona.

She presented a talk entitled “The Role of Mesenteric Adipose Tissue in Crohn's Disease” to undergraduate and graduate students. Raquel participated in gatherings to discuss the ongoing research agreement about Biomarkers in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and followed related laboratory experiments. She also participated in group meetings with professor Azucena Salas, coordinator of the research group at the IDIBAPS Gastroenterology Laboratory. They discussed the results of studies carried out in collaboration between IDIBAPS and Unicamp and pursuing new objectives.

In addition to the ongoing research agreement, since 2014, Raquel and Azucena, by their intuitions, also agreed to carry out the CAPES-PrInt internationalization project, which made it possible to carry out a doctorate internship for students from the Postgraduate Program in Surgical Sciences from SMS Unicamp. From December 1st, 2023 to May 31st, 2024, Lívia Moreira Genaro was the SMS student who received the CAPES-PrInt scholarship.

From left to right: Professor Azucena Salas (4th), postgraduate student Lívia Genaro (seated) and Professor Raquel Leal, with IDIBAPS Gastroenterology Laboratory team
Dr. Ingrid Ordás, Professor Raquel Leal and Dr. Elena Ricart, head of the Gastroenterology Unit. Ingrid and Elena integrate the Gastroenterology research group from the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

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