Unicamp Group of Thoracic Surgeons participated in the IV Immersion Course in Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery in Quebec
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
19 de outubro de 2018


The thoracic surgeons José Cláudio Seabra, Daniel Ronqueti (residence 1995-1996), Nelson Alves dos Santos (2005-2006), Luiz Von Lohrmann Cruz Arraes (2016-2017) and Mariana Canevari, the 4th Year of the Division of Thoracic Surgery of School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp) participated from September 3rd to 7th of the immersion course in minimally invasive thoracic surgery performed in Quebec City, Canada. 

Coordinated by Thoracic Surgeon Paula Ugalde, who trained and got specialty in Brazil, the doors of the University Institute of Cardiology and Pulmonology of the Laval University were opened for a great immersion course in thoracic surgery, accompanied by Dr. Thomas D'Amico, an exponent of the worldwide video thoracic surgery of the Duke Cancer Institute North Carolina; and Dr. Benny Weksler, robotic surgery specialist of the University of Tennessee.

Great course inside Hospital with theoretical sessions and live surgeries with what is most advanced at present.

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Rua Vital Brasil, 80, Cidade Universitária, Campinas-SP, CEP: 13.083-888 – Campinas, SP, Brasil
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