Students have international class on pharmacogenomics and individualized therapy
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
29 de agosto de 2019


Federico Innocenti participated from August 13 to 16 in various activities at the School of Medical Science (SMS) at the University of Campinas (Unicamp). Innocenti has international recognition with over 230 published papers on pharmacogenomics, with over 5,500 citations. He is currently associate professor at the College of Pharmacy and director of the Center for Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, and  came to Unicamp to talk about pharmacogenomics and individualized therapy.

Postgraduate students in Pharmacology, Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy undergraduate students attended his classes. The themes were "Applying cancer genome mutations to individualize therapy" and "Variability in drug response and pharmacogenomics". Innocenti also participated in the 14th Academic Pharmacy Week with the lecture "Precision Medicine and Methodological Attention".

“Genomic markers can be used to identify types of response to pharmacological treatment,” explains Patricia Moriel, professor at Unicamp's Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF), permanent professor at the  Graduate Program in Pharmacology and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in SMS.
"With this visit to Unicamp, we established a closer proximity between researchers and a openness to send new students abroad, with possible collaborative research projects and partnership in both undergraduate and graduate courses," explains Patricia.

The partnership with Frederico began with an ongoing internship abroad, with FAPESP funding, of the PhD student in Medical Sciences Júlia Coelho França Quintanilha. She's studying in Chapel Hill under the supervision of Federico.

His visit was funded by the Graduate Support Program (PROAP/CAPES) of the Graduate Programs in Medical Sciences and Pharmacology, as well as by PRP/FAEPEX under the Extension Projects, modality Visiting Teachers, coordinated by Patricia Moriel.

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