SMS Unicamp receives Mariana Fukuoka Gutierrez, medical student from Universidad del Norte, Colombia
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
06 de fevereiro de 2023


Mariana Fukuoka is a last year medical student from Universidad del Norte, Colombia who did a three-month observership at the brand new Otorhinolaryngology Institute of Unicamp (Instituto de Otorrinolaringologia da Unicamp - IOU). She took part in several activities during her observership such as attending clinical rounds, seeing complex surgical procedures at the Hospital de Clínicas (HC) and discussing clinical cases. She consistently followed the day-to-day of the specialty and grew very fond of it. 
“I had a wonderful experience overall and I am grateful for having such welcoming residents and attendings, who were incredibly friendly and taught me so much. Beyond the academic and clinical activities we had at the IOU, I also had the opportunity to attend the Brazilian Congress of ENT where I was able to explore and learn about the newest advances in the specialty along with the residents who became really good friends of mine”, said Mariana.
She will graduate soon and this clinical experience opened her mind to the possibility of becoming an ENT doctor in the future, as she hopes to be back soon and do her residency here in Brazil. 

Mariana Fukuoka, fourth person from left to right, in november, 2022


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