SMS International Office presented Winter Schools for Unicamp graduation courses coordinators
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
14 de agosto de 2018


The Unicamp School of Medical Sciences (SMS) International Office presented on August 9th, 2018, at Central Graduation Committee (CCG) meeting, the experience with the second edition of Winter Schools (WS-2018).

Professor Rodrigo Bueno de Oliveira, former Coordinator of SMS International Office was invited by Eliana Martorano Amaral, President of CCG, to present to all graduation courses coordinators the activities of the five different workshops distributed throughout many locations on the SMS grounds and the medical area of the campus from July 2nd to 6th. The SMS received 35 students from Colombia, Mexico, Germany, United States, Argentina, Portugal, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, Ireland, Estonia, South Africa, Netherlands and Brazil.

Professor Gustavo P. Fraga, recently designated Coordinator of SMS International Office by Professor Luiz Carlos Zeferino, Dean of SMS - Unicamp, joined the meeting too. Oliveira and Fraga answered questions from the coordinators about financial support and how to promote the Winter Schools to attract international students. Fraga explained he had a meeting with Professor Mariano Francisco Laplane, the Executive Director of Unicamp International Office (DERI - Diretoria Executiva de Relações Internacionais) on August 7th, when they talked about the possibility of spread the Winter Schools to other courses next year.

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