SMS - Unicamp organized the IX Symposium of Student Exchange
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
21 de março de 2023


On March 6th, 2023, the International Office (IO) of the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) organized the IX Symposium of Student Exchange. The opening ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including Professor Erich Vinicius de Paula, the Associate Dean of SMS; Professor Otávio Rizzi Coelho Filho, the Coordinator of IO; Professor Gustavo Fraga, the former Coordinator of IO; and Sayros Akyro Soares Martins, a medical student. The event, which was held in person, received support from the International Relations Executive Board (DERI), the Scientific Directorate (DC) Adolfo Lutz, and the Alumni SMS-Unicamp, and attracted approximately 140 participants.

The IX Symposium featured several distinguished speakers, including Eloy V. Carvalho de França, a resident doctor of SMS; Natália M. G. Ferreira, a doctor and former student of SMS; João Vitor Facco, a medical student of SMS; Olgata Marianne R. G. da Silva, a doctor and former student of SMS; Thiago Quinaglia A. C. Silva, a doctor and former student of SMS; and Sofia M. Teiga and Maria Carolina L. M. de A. Mota, medical students of Nova University Lisbon, Portugal. These speakers shared their experiences studying abroad and at SMS-Unicamp.

IX Symposium of Student Exchange at Congregation room at SMS


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