SMS - Unicamp explores opportunities to collaborate with Hamad General Hospital, in Doha, Qatar
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
01 de outubro de 2019


From September 23rd to 26th, 2019, Prof. Gustavo P. Fraga, Coordinator of Division of Trauma Surgery and International Office of School of Medical Sciences (SMC) of University of Campinas (Unicamp), visited as invited professor the Trauma Program at Hamad General Hospital (HGH), in Doha, Qatar. Fraga was invited by Prof. Sandro Rizoli, Medical Director of Trauma at HGH and Editor-in-Chief of Panamerican Journal of Trauma, to explore opportunities of collaboration on education, courses development, research, and students exchange between SMS - Unicamp and HGH.

Fraga was received by Prof. Rizoli, Dr. Hassan Al Thani (Head of Trauma and Vascular Surgery), and Prof. Ruben Peralta, Senior Consultant and the Director of the Hamad Medical Cooperation (HMC) Trauma and Critical Care Fellowship Program.

In the first day Fraga presented the experience about Trauma League in Campinas and discussed opportunities for Medical Education in Qatar, with professors Rizoli, Peralta, Abdullatif Al Khal (Deputy Chief Medical Officer, HMC Chair Academic Affairs), Dr. Javaid Sheikh (Dean Weill Cornell Medical College), Allison Carr (Associate Dean for Clinical Education of Qatar University), Dr. Ambika Anand (Program Director General Surgery, Director Surgical Clerkship Qatar University), Ms. Banan Alarab (Section Head Clinical Administration), Dr. Maggie Allen (HGH Associate Director Undergraduate Medical Education), and others.

In the second day Fraga visited the Itqan Clinical Simulation and Innovation Center with Prof. Rizoli, Peralta, and Dr. Kimberley Leighton, Executive Director ITQAN, and later was received by Dr. Aidan Kehoe, CEO of HGH, to discuss opportunities for international cooperation between Qatar and Brazil (University of Campinas).

On September 25th Fraga presented the conference “Challenges in trauma care: the view from University of Campinas, Brazil” during the Surgery Grand Rounds. Many questions came from the audience and was an important moment to share experience with faculty and medical residents. Later Fraga discussed opportunities for Yellow May campaign in Qatar, with Dr. Rafael Consunji, Consultant and the Director of the Hamad Injury Prevention Program, Dr. Kehoe (HGH Chief Executive Officer), and representatives of Ministry Transportation and Ministry of Public Health. Dr. Peralta visited the Simulation Centre with physicians from USA Al Udeid Military Base in Qatar.

In the last day there was a simulation with REBOA use at the new Trauma Tower, since the admission of the patient/mannequin at Emergency Department, massive transfusion protocol, being transferred to the modern hybrid operation room to definitive treatment.

Fraga met Ms. Sheena McCabe, Emergency Preparedness Manager, professors Rizoli, and Peralta to talk about courses, like DSTC, DATC, ETC, and Mass Casualty Incidents. After the discussion was about education, and how to exchange medical students, trauma/critical care fellows, trauma simulation championship, and research collaboration.

The visit was closed with a special dinner held by Dr. Hassan Al Thaniwith delicious regional food, and professors Rizoli, Ruben, and El-Menyar (Chief of Trauma and Vascular Research).

Fraga told: “It was an unbelievable experience at a center with the state-of-art on trauma care, with a very friendlily reception by all the team, opening the doors for partnership on medical education between Brazil and Qatar, the country with an outstanding structure which has worked hard in preparation for the FIFA World Cup Soccer of 2022”.

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