School of Medical Sciences Leadership Welcomes KU Leuven Delegation
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
28 de novembro de 2024


On November 26, Erich Vinicius de Paula, Associate Dean of the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of Unicamp, with the support of the SMS International Office, welcomed Prof. Dr. Chris Van Geet and Mr. Bart Hendrickx from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

The primary objective of the visit was to strengthen ties between the two universities through international internships and collaborative research initiatives. Unicamp already maintains an agreement with KU Leuven, and SMS hosts an average of two exchange medicine students per semester.

Chris Van Geet, Bart Hendrickx and Erich Vinicius de Paula. Image: Marcelo Oliveira/SMS

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