School of Medical Science, Unicamp, receives medical student from Cyprus
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
02 de março de 2023


The School of Medical Science (SMS, Unicamp) received, in january, Aline Derlagen, a final year medical student at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. She told about her experience at the ophthalmology department in Clinical Hospital (HC).

“I was fortunate to be able to do my elective period (01/02/23-01/28/23) at HC Unicamp, at the ophthalmology department. I had the aim of improving my knowledge in ophthalmology and familiarizing myself with medical terminology in Portuguese as I hope to return and specialize in Brazil, and so I wanted to ensure that I would be able to adapt to the language. 

Not only did I have the chance to learn more about ophthalmology (and all the major ophthalmic sub-specialties) by participating in specialty clinics and rotating freely between them on a daily basis throughout the week, but I also had the chance to do hands on procedures and examinations, making me feel like I was part of a team rather than an outsider looking in. My learning was also aided along watching the ophthalmology lectures of Unicamp medical students which were very insightful; whilst there were similarities in the curriculum, there were also some points which were subtly different (but which clearly reflect the reality of practicing ophthalmology in a developing country compared to Europe). The one that most stood out was the focus on population health and the importance of treating reversible or preventable causes of blindness.

However, my experience went way beyond just being exposed to exciting cases or being taught new tricks of how to treat ‘exotic’ conditions. I think that perhaps the most significant part of the elective was interacting with the residents, fellows and faculty in the department. From the get-go, I was treated as a part of the team. Residents not only allowed me to work alongside them, but also welcomed me as a friend. The faculty members were also very hospitable, wanting to learn more about my experiences and teaching me various topics in a way that showed their excitement to teaching and to their profession, always willing to answer questions and explain concepts I was curious about. The entire department exuded this sense of comradery which made adapting and fitting in very easy.

I came in expecting to learn more about ophthalmology and was very curious about what the reality of being a doctor in a high-population setting is really like, and I accomplished both of these goals. However, I got much more than that. Thanks to the perfect combination of clinical excellence, residents willing to take me in as one of their own, fellows wanting and ready to teach and answer any questions thrown their way, and consultants which came in every day excited to see new cases, I saw that I was in the right place, doing the right thing. Moreover, I made several lasting friendships and beautiful memories during this month which I will cherish.

This experience gave me not only clinical knowledge on ophthalmology; it gave me a new burst of energy to finish and get on with my career so that someday I can hopefully come back to see patients, day in and day out, making an impact on their lives. Thank you to everybody at HC/SMS Unicamp! Hope to see you all again soon!”



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