Professors of SMS Unicamp participated on activities at Madeira Island, in Portugal
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
28 de setembro de 2022


Prof. Gustavo P. Fraga, associate professor of the Department of Surgery, chief of the Division of Trauma Surgery (DCT), and former coordinator of the International Office at the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), and Andrea M. A. Fraga, assistant professor of the Department of Pediatrics of SMS - Unicamp, participated from September 19th to 25th in the 8th Madeira Trauma and Emergency Week & 15th Anniversary of ALTEC-LATES (Associação Lusitana de Trauma e Emergência Cirúrgica), in Funchal, Madeira Island. On September 19th to 21st Prof. Gustavo taught the Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTCTM) course.

This course has been developed under the auspices of the International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC) and is established worldwide in Europe, South Africa, Australasia, Asia, North, and South America. It has also been taught at the Unicamp DCT since 2013, a total of 10 courses in Campinas. The DSTC is an intensive course comprising of lectures, interactive case discussions and surgical simulation, designed to develop technical and decision-making skills of qualified surgeons and advanced surgical trainees in the management of the severely injured patients, particularly in major organ injuries. It is currently the most advanced surgical trauma course available internationally and has a high instructors to participant ratio, the instructors consisting of experienced trauma surgeons.

The DSTC was organized in Madeira combined with Definitive Anaesthesia Trauma Care (DATC), designed to teach qualified Anaesthesiologists and advanced Anaesthesia Residents strategic thinking and decision-making in the management of the severely injured trauma patients. The DATC shares lectures with the DSTC course for surgeons improving teamwork and communication in the management of trauma patients. The DSTC and DATC courses took place simultaneously with the DpNTC (Definitive Perioperative Nurse Trauma Care), course for perioperative Nurses. This recreated the multidisciplinary perioperative management of the severe trauma patient, enabling the full immersion of the participants in the simulated environment of a damage control operating room.

Gustavo Fraga and Pedro Ramos, Regional Secretary for Health and Civil Protection of Madeira.

On September 21st, Prof. Gustavo presented the “Surgical Education - Keynote Lecture” during the Trauma & Emergency Surgery Symposium (TESS). His presentation was “Teaching non-technical skills in students and trainees”, talking about experience with simulation at SMS - Unicamp and the Trauma League, which is celebrating 30 years in 2022. This event was held at Colégio dos Jesuitas, founded in 1570, and received on the opening ceremony Dr. Pedro Ramos, Regional Secretary for Health and Civil Protection, in the XIII Government of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, and Dr. Carlos Mesquita, president of ALTEC.

Gustavo Fraga at lecture.

On September 22nd, Prof. Andréa Fraga and Prof. Gustavo visited the Madeira Clinical Simulation Center (CSCM), at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, in Funchal, where they were received by Prof. Regina Rodrigues, coordinator of the CSCM.

Gustavo Fraga and Andréa Fraga with Regina Rodrigues, coordinator of the CSCM.

From September 23 to 25th, Prof. Gustavo participated as Full Instructor at the European Trauma Course (ETC), with support of Serviço de Saúde da Região Autônoma da Madeira (SESARAM). There were 18 instructors and 24 candidates, who came from different regions in Portugal, and from Brazil, Croatia, Poland, Spain, and United Kingdom.

Four international instructors are coming to Campinas to teach at two consecutive ETC courses on October 10 to 12th and 13 to 15th, at Fundação Roberto Rocha Brito, Hospital Vera Cruz. They will present lectures during the Campinas Health 2022 - Technology & Innovation Summit, online event on October 6 to 8th, 2022, and they will be presentialy at Instituto de Otorrinolaringologia da Unicamp  on Saturday, October 8th.

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