Professor of SMS - Unicamp taught at European Trauma Course, in Valencia, Spain
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
07 de novembro de 2022


Prof. Gustavo P. Fraga, associate professor of the Department of Surgery, chief of the Division of Trauma Surgery (DCT) of the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), and assessor of the Trauma Center of Vera Cruz Hospital participated from October 2nd to 5th, 2022, as Course Director Candidate at the European Trauma Course (ETC), held at the Simulation Center of University of Valencia, Spain. There were 11 instructors and 12 candidates, who came from different regions in Spain, and from Brazil (Prof. Fraga), Portugal (Dr. Luis Ferreira, as Course Director, and Prof. Henrique Alexandrino, Croatia (Dra. Ileana Lulic, as Course Educator, and Dinka Lulic), and Ireland. The local course coordinator was Prof. Fernando López Mozos, Professor of General & Emergency Surgery, at University of Valencia.

Instructors and candidates in Valencia

The ETC was developed in response to the need for a multidisciplinary team focused trauma course for senior clinical staff. Through collaboration of the ESAIC (European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care), ERC (European Resuscitation Council), ESTES (European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery), and EuSEM (European Society for Emergency Medicine), the European Trauma Course Organization (ETCO) was formed. The first ETC course was ran in Malta, in 2002, and over 2000 candidates internationally attend the course every year in over 20 countries. The DCT of SMS - Unicamp has organized courses since 2019 and it is the first recognized center in Americas, in collaboration with Fundação Roberto Rocha Brito  / Vera Cruz Hospital.

Instructors Day
Instructors demonstration
Prof. Mozos and Fraga at the Simulation Center of University of Valencia


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