Medical students from Mozambique attended 6 months internship at SMS - Unicamp
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
14 de fevereiro de 2020


From June to November 2019, the medical students from the Lúrio University, Mozambique, Junior Pinto João Victorino and Aline Munezero, attended an international internship at School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp). They participated in activities at the departments of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Surgery and Medical Clinic.

Their words below demonstrate the success in the internship:

“This internship far exceeded my expectations, from its organization to the promotion of autonomy and critical sense that was provided to me. I start by highlighting the importance of having teachers in each department, which allowed me to integrate into the different services, and the greater availability of tutors to supervise my tasks and clarify doubts”, said Aline.

Assisted by a vast team of highly competent professionals, experienced and of high humanistic value. In a hospital environment previously prepared for medical training activities. In short, the experience of this internship was very rich and stimulating, because it really served to reconcile the theoretical and practical knowledge in an international hospital context, exchange of experience with various entities, awakening new horizons and opportunities, contributing to the improvement of the provision of services health care. I increased the baggage of theoretical and practical knowledge, gained more experience for humanized care and proper guidance to the patient and family, understanding the organization of services performed between the university hospital and the Ministry of Health of Brazil, with numerous care doctors, outpatient activities, clinical case discussions, various surgical procedures, shifts, lectures, realistic simulations and more, meetings, symposiums, conferences with the participation of national and international scientists. I thank the staff for the didactic support, and all they provided for my training”, said Junior.


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