Medical student from SMS Unicamp completes observership at Toronto General Hospital
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
05 de setembro de 2024


Collaboration by Beatriz Araújo

In July 2024, Beatriz Piaulino de Araújo, medical student at the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) Unicamp, completed a three-week observership at Toronto General Hospital. Her sponsor was Dr. Marcelo Cypel, Surgical Director of the Transplant Centre at University Health Network (UHN) and Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto.

Beatriz had the opportunity to follow the Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation teams, participating in rounds, clinics, surgeries, and lung procurements. She observed various surgeries, including thymectomies (both robotic and via sternotomy), laparoscopic gastric jejunostomies, pulmonary endarterectomies with bypass, pneumonectomies, and single and double lung transplants.

Beatriz Araújo and Dr. Marcelo Cypel, from University Health Network

Dr. Marcelo Cypel also leads a research lab focused primarily on lung transplantation. Beatriz had the opportunity to attend some of their meetings and observe experiments conducted with the ex-vivo machine developed by Dr. Cypel.

She also visited other hospitals within the University Health Network, such as Princess Margaret Hospital, and spent time at the clinic of Dr. Ivone Ferreira, a Brazilian pulmonologist, where she learned about spirometry and pulmonary semiology.

“I’m really grateful for the opportunity to do this observership. I had the chance to observe procedures that we don’t perform in our hospitals, such as lung transplants, and to improve my English and social skills. I can’t thank Dr. Cypel, Dr. Ferreira, and the hospital team enough for their patience and kindness while teaching me. While I was there, I also enjoyed other experiences, like visiting Wonderland Park and attending a Brazilian festival. I took a trip to Niagara Falls and even went inside it by boat. It was truly an amazing month,” said Beatriz.

Beatriz at Toronto General Hospital


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