Júlia Brandão, SMS medical student, reports her experience during observership at University of Miami
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
13 de janeiro de 2023


In November 2022 the 5th year University of Campinas (Unicamp) – School of Medical Sciences (SMS) medical student Júlia Mendes Brandão had the opportunity to go on her first observership at the University of Miami, in Florida, USA. She was accepted in the W. J. Harrington Program, an international training program for medical students and healthcare professionals from Latin America. She spent one month at the Vascular Surgery Department observing open surgeries and endovascular procedures. During her rotation, she was also able to attend rounds, lectures, and events.

“It was the first time I traveled abroad by myself. The idea of being alone in a foreign country was terrifying at first, but it turned out to be one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. It wasn’t easy, but I believe that all the challenges I’ve faced were the reason why I’ve learned and grown so much at the University of Miami.

At this point, it is essential to say that all of this wouldn’t be possible without the people who helped me: my parents, who always believed and supported me; Dr Gustavo Fraga, who advised me through this process; and all the amazing people from the Vascular Team who made this observership unforgettable, especially Dr Jason Howard, who taught me the most.

I am so grateful for this opportunity and I still have no words to describe how enlightening it was, but I truly believe that this is just the beginning of my journey through Medicine”, said Mendes.  

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