Internship Testimonial: Friederike Engel, Heinrich-Heine-Universität
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
03 de outubro de 2024


"During my final year at university, I completed an internship at the School of Medical Sciences of Unicamp from May 20 to September 8. During this time, I had the opportunity to rotate through various specialties within the Surgery Department, gaining invaluable experience.

I spent the first four weeks in Trauma Surgery, which was incredibly engaging. Alongside local students, I learned a great deal both theoretically and, most importantly, practically—conducting patient anamnesis, suturing wounds, using the FAST algorithm with ultrasound for severely injured patients, and participating in simulation training for traffic accidents.

Friederike and Professor Alfio Tincani

Following this, I spent another four weeks in Head and Neck Surgery, where I assisted with operations and worked alongside an amazing team of doctors. Highlights included a congress held at the hospital and two evening events at a restaurant in Campinas, which featured excellent presentations followed by fantastic food.

Additionally, I gained insights into Pediatric Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, and Gynecology. I am extremely grateful to all the wonderful people I met at the hospital, who made my time here unforgettable."

This testimonial was provided by Friederike Engel, a student from Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Germany.

Friederike is third from the left, last row


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