International Office of SMS - Unicamp attended event on internationalization in Botucatu
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
06 de setembro de 2019


The coordinator of School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp), professor Gustavo P. Fraga, participated on August 30th, 2019, of the event “1st Symposium on Hospital Management and Internationalization of the Faculties of Medicine” and “2nd Meeting between Superintendents of the Municipalities of the State of São Paulo”, at the Botucatu Medical School (FMB). The event brought together representatives of HCFMB, Medical School of University of Sao Paulo (FMUSP), SMS - Unicamp and Famema, to discuss with the public present topics such as the budget of school hospitals and the importance of internationalization for universities in Sao Paulo.

The FMB Director, professor Maria Cristina Pereira Lima (Kika), opened the event highlighting the importance of the meeting. “We live in a moment when public universities and SUS are in evidence”, said Maria Cristina.

The session on “Internationalization” was moderated by professor Pasqual Barretti of FMB and professor Eduardo Krieger, from FMUSP. Participated in this module as speakers: Gustavo Fraga, from Unicamp; Silke Weber of FMB; Steven Kanter, President and CEO of the Association of Academic Health Centers (AAHC - USA); Jose Otávio Auler, from FMUSP and the Dean of University Extension and Culture and Advisers of UNESP, Cleopatra da Silva Planeta.

“The event was very important to exchange experiences at this time with few economic resources and to plan actions to be developed jointly between the three institutions”, explained Fraga.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas

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