INES 2019: Researchers from 9 countries reunited for Neuropathology and Neuroimaging in Epilepsy event
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
14 de agosto de 2019


At the end of last July (24th to 27th), the School of Medical Sciences (SMS), University of Campinas (Unicamp), hosted the 10th International Summer School for Neuropathology and NeuroImaging in Epilepsy – INES 2019. Organized by SMS´s Pathological Anatomy and Neurology Departments and having the support of the Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (Brainn), the event was an international sensation, attracting researchers from Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Honduras, Uruguay, Peru and Germany.

In his third visit to Unicamp, researcher Ingmar Blümcke, from Friedrish-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), said he was impressed by the receptivity and quality of Brazilian researchers. “Professor Fernando Cendes's group is one of the strongest in the world regarding epilepsy studies. Unicamp is very strong in this area. Some of the students are here for the second time to attend the lectures”, commented Blümcke.

During the event, Blümcke stated that the field of neuropathology – in which he is a specialist – has contributed to the advancement of treatments for various brain tumors, and that it can also make a significant contribution to the treatment of epilepsy. “A pathologist can raise some hypotheses by analyzing brain tissue extracted by a neurosurgeon, and then cross the information with available clinical data. Thus, with a more accurate diagnosis of brain injuries, it is possible to make the treatment of patients more efficient”.

“There has always been a demand to integrate neuropathological and neuroimaging findings, and that was something we were able to bring into INES 2019. Previous editions focused more on pathological findings, even though we also discussed imaging. We now have a more practical approach that allows us to integrate both concepts. I think this is a trend that will continue for the next few years”, said Fábio Rogério, Professor at SMS´s Department of Pathological Anatomy.

The researcher adds that, for both research and diagnosis, multidisciplinarity is here to stay. “For diagnosis, it is essential to correlate imaging data with the information that will be seen in the analysis of tissue taken from the patient after surgery. The integration between different areas and disciplines is also fundamental for us to develop new research strategies”, commented the neuropathologist.

INES 2019
The course was supported by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Fapesp), The International Society of Neuropathology, Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (Brainn), the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the Friedrish-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

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