Hands-on course: Acquisition and Processing of Magnetic Resonance Images
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
07 de outubro de 2015


(Course will be conducted in English)
Applications are now open for the course "Acquisition and Processing
of Magnetic Resonance Images - Hands-on course", to be taught by Prof.
Dr. Richard Frayne, from the University of Calgary, between October
31st and November 7th 2014. The application form is available until October 20th, through the link: http://goo.gl/vZlCJE
The course will be offered at the University of Campinas and aims to
allow graduate students and researchers working directly with MRI to
deepen their knowledge on acquisition and processing of these images
through a practical and dynamic approach. Since it is a "hands-on"
course, participants will have the chance to experience the challenges
and difficulties of working with MRI and interact with many
researchers in correlated areas.
The candidate selection will be based on the engagement to the BRAINN
project and the supervisor recommendation. The places are limited and
each group will have 6 members, 2 from each of the following areas:
Clinical Studies, Medical Physics and Computing.
FEEC: Roberto Lotufo, Leticia Rittner
LNI: Gabriela Castellano, Roberto Covolan
See below for more details:
Acquisition and Processing of Magnetic Resonance Images - Hands-on course
The course aims to discuss MRI physics and principles of image
formation, pulse sequence design, contrast manipulation and fast
imaging. It is also intended to offer a hands-on experience on Image
acquisition and processing and an opportunity of interaction among
BRAINN members.
Target audience:
This course is designed for Engineering, Physics, Medical Physics and
Medicine students and researchers who use Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) as a tool to study and analyze the brain.
Groups of 6 participants will be supervised by one senior researcher.
Groups will be formed by students and researchers from different areas
(Clinical Studies, Medical Physics and Computing). Each group will
acquire images and develop a MRI processing and analysis project.
Oct 31st - Friday 14h-18h - Theory of MRI formation - Group and Project definition
Nov 1st - Saturday 8h-12h - Acquisition from PHILIPS Scanner
Nov 3rd-6th - Monday-Thursday: 16h-18h - Following of the project development
Nov 7th - Friday 14h-18h - Final presentation projects
FEEC-Unicamp for theoretical classes
PHILIPS Scanner - LNI Lab - School of Medicine - Unicamp
LNI-FCM and LCA-DCA-FEEC - Image processing support
Instructor: Richard Frayne, visiting researcher from University of Calgary
Homepage: http://www.mrcentre.ca/people/frayne-richard

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