Graduate program in Surgical Sciences received three international speakers this semester
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
16 de dezembro de 2022


The graduate program in Surgical Sciences from the SMS Unicamp received in the second semester of 2022 three international speakers in the course “Topics in Surgical Sciences”. The invited professors were: Azucena Salas, from the University of Barcelona, Spain, who talked about “Scientific research article – How do I write?”; Hang Dao Viet, from the Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam, who talked about “Frontiers of Research in Vietnam”; and Naiara Beraza, from the Quadram Institute, Norwich, United Kingdom, who discussed “Tips on writing academic English – How do I write?”.

Participants of lecture “Tips on writing academic English – How do I write?”, by professor Naiara Beraza
Lecture “Scientific research article – How do I write?”, by professor Azucena Salas

In addition to the foreign professors, participated two professors from the School of Applied Sciences - Unicamp, Peter Schulz and Tristan Torriani, who gave lectures on the course, transmitted online.

Lecture of professor Peter Schulz

This course is coordinated by Professor Raquel Leal from SMS Unicamp, has been offered entirely in English since 2018, and has always included the participation of professors from international institutions.

Lecture “Frontiers of Research in Vietnam”, by professor Hang Dao Viet

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