From Poland to Brazil: Future Doctors Share Their Internship Experience at SMS Unicamp
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
15 de outubro de 2024


From July 8th to September 8th, Karolina Klasen and Laura Wojdyło, medical students from Wroclaw Medical University in Poland, completed internships at the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of Unicamp. In addition to their placements in the Gynecology department, Karolina gained experience in Ophthalmology and Pediatrics, while Laura also interned in Trauma.

Reflecting on both the academic and cultural aspects of their time in Brazil, the students shared their experiences:

“My internship at SMS Unicamp was an incredible learning opportunity. I had the chance to see firsthand how a hospital operates, particularly in Ophthalmology, where I spent most of my time working alongside doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. I was involved in patient care, monitored vitals, attended surgeries, and even assisted with some medical procedures. This hands-on experience helped me connect classroom learning with real-life practice. I was introduced to the academic community and made many new friends. Everyone was so kind and helpful. Beyond the internship, I explored new places, tried local food, and learned a lot about Brazilian culture. This experience wasn’t just about medicine—it was about building connections and discovering a new way of life. Overall, it was unforgettable. It strengthened my passion for medicine, gave me new skills, and introduced me to amazing people. I’m incredibly grateful for the support I received from everyone at SMS Unicamp,” said Karolina.

Karolina in internship in Ophthalmology

“During my stay, I had the chance to work in both the Gynecology and Trauma departments. This experience was rich in learning, from acquiring new skills, like using a stapler, to refining my existing abilities. More importantly, I met wonderful and kind people. The shared learning, event organizing, and cultural exchange are memories I will always cherish. I have very fond memories of my time at Unicamp and hope to return to Campinas in the future. I also had the privilege of meeting my mentor in Trauma, Professor Gustavo Fraga, an incredible person who inspired my passion for trauma medicine. Warm regards to all, and I highly recommend this experience to everyone,” said Laura.

Professor Gustavo Fraga and Laura Wojdyło

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