Division of Trauma Surgery of SMS Unicamp participated in Qatar Health 2023
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
18 de dezembro de 2023


Division of Trauma Surgery of SMS Unicamp participated in Qatar Health 2023.

Gustavo P. Fraga, full-professor of the Department of Surgery, chief of the Division of Trauma Surgery (DCT) of the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp), participated in the Qatar Health 2023 and the 3rd Qatar Public Health Conference, from November 20th to 25th, in Doha, Qatar. In the first three days he participated as an instructor at pre-congress course, the second Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC) combined with Definitive Anesthesia Trauma Care (DATC) organized in the Middle East, under the auspices of the International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC).

Division of Trauma Surgery of SMS Unicamp participated in Qatar Health 2023.

The course was held at Itqan Clinical Simulation and Innovation Center, one of the world’s largest simulation centers in the world, with 12,000 m2. Sixteen surgical candidates from Qatar, 8 surgeons from other countries (Sri-Lanka, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan), 10 anesthetists, and 6 operating room nurses participated in the course. And it was organized by professor Sandro Rizoli, former student and resident of SMS - Unicamp, and director of the Trauma and Emergency Center at Doha, Qatar; by Ruben Peralta, professor and director of Trauma, Emergency and Surgery Critical Care Fellowship Program at Hamad General Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Doha, and visiting professor of Undergraduate Studies Office (PRG) at Unicamp in 2020; and professor Hassan Al Thani, Head of Trauma and Vascular Surgery. The others instructors were from Finland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Brazil.

On November 23rd, at Sheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel, Fraga presented the lecture “Trauma Leagues: A 30-year experience in Brazil” during the Qatar Health 2023. The conference is the result of a partnership between the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and Hamad Medical Corporation. More than 2000 healthcare professionals attended the conference in person and online. Head of Trauma and Vascular Surgery at HMC and Co-chair, Qatar Health 2023 and 3rd Qatar Public Health Conference Dr. Sheikh Hassan Al-Thani said the conference covered pressing and current topics including the latest surgical techniques, updates and advances in trauma management and even academic research.

"The conference has highlighted the importance of collaboration and the need to work together to address public health challenges in the management of complex diseases and the integration of clinical and public health. Through our collective efforts, we can improve the health of our communities both in Qatar and the region," he said.


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Qatar Health Conference Discusses Management of Complex Medical Conditions
Division of Trauma Surgery of SMS Unicamp participated in trauma course at Doha, Qatar


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