Biology students from Denmark conclude internship in Pharmacology at SMS Unicamp
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
14 de agosto de 2024


Maria Skovbjerg Slot and Rebecca Fjord Jørgensen are 4th-year Biology students from Aarhus University, Denmark. They completed an internship at the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of Unicamp, which took place from June 21st to August 2nd in Professor Gilberto de Nucci’s laboratory group in the Department of Translational Medicine, in the area of Pharmacology.

“Upon arrival at Unicamp, we received a warm welcome and an introduction by Professor Gilberto de Nucci and his wonderful lab team at the Department of Translational Medicine. They gave us an insight into life as a student at Unicamp and their daily work conducted in the laboratory,” said the students.

During the internship, they were taught multiple techniques used in the laboratory, including the study of the effects of novel catecholamines, 6-Nitronoradrenaline and 6-Nitrodopamine, on the inotropic and chronotropic responses in Langendorff perfused rat hearts. The experiments were conducted under the guidance of Antonio Tiago Silva Lima, a student in the Pharmacology Postgraduate Program (SMS).

“Overall, the internship was a great pleasure. Not only did it strengthen our skills and knowledge as biologists, but it also broadened our horizons about Brazilian culture,” concluded Maria and Rebecca.

Rebecca Slot, Antonio Lima and Maria Jørgensen

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