A Month in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatrics: Julia Padilha Silva's Internship Experience at Unicamp
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
08 de outubro de 2024


Julia Padilha Silva, a medical student from the University of Freiburg, Germany, recently completed an internship at the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of Unicamp. She spent the month of September in the Tocogynecology and Pediatrics Departments of SMS. Julia spoke with the SMS news team about her experience:

“My internship at Unicamp focused on Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatrics, and even in just one month, I was able to learn so much. During the first half in OBGYN, I rotated through various areas, including the obstetric center, the high-risk prenatal clinic, the emergency department, the inpatient ward, and oncology surgeries. In the second half, in pediatrics, I worked in different specialty clinics each day, as well as in the emergency department, inpatient ward, and neonatology.

Throughout this time, I had the opportunity to observe the close collaboration between various departments and professionals, which came together to form an incredible multidisciplinary team. The teaching structure, from professor to resident to student, combined with the expertise of nurses and physiotherapists, provided patients with comprehensive, high-quality care.

Additionally, I was able to connect with the students, all of whom were incredibly open and kind. They patiently answered my many questions and taught me new approaches. As I accompanied them in their clinical practices, I learned by watching them examine patients and explaining their steps along the way. The discussions with professors afterward were equally enriching, as were the lectures I attended. By the end of the internship, I had gained so much from so many people and will certainly miss my time there”.

Julia, last on the right, with the neonatology team


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