International Office

Publicado em Título
20/09/2019 Recently renewed, P.A.R.T.Y. program at Unicamp promotes internationalization
20/09/2019 “I was looking for a hospital I could observe and meet some experts in this area”, said Karen Mori
16/09/2019 Sandro Rizoli, former student and resident of SMS - Unicamp, is the director of the new Trauma and Emergency Center at Doha, Qat
09/09/2019 Unicamp Clinical Hospital ophthalmology service awarded Champalimaud prize for its fight against blindness
06/09/2019 International Office of SMS - Unicamp attended event on internationalization in Botucatu
04/09/2019 Professor of SMS - Unicamp attended the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) meeting in Vienna
30/08/2019 Professor from University of Caen Normandy presented lecture about cartilage engineering at Unicamp
29/08/2019 Students have international class on pharmacogenomics and individualized therapy
14/08/2019 INES 2019: Researchers from 9 countries reunited for Neuropathology and Neuroimaging in Epilepsy event
14/08/2019 Professors of SMS - Unicamp participated at the Simulation in Medical Emergencies Summer School, in Wroclaw, Poland
13/08/2019 Urology received professor Mariano Gonzalez, from the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires
12/08/2019 Medical students from SMS - Unicamp participated at Summer School at the University of Birmingham, UK
31/07/2019 SMS - Unicamp received medical student from University of Genova, Italy
25/07/2019 International event at SMS discusses the frontiers of knowledge in Cardiology, Diabetes and Nephrology
24/07/2019 SMS - Unicamp received a recently graduated medicine resident from Massachusetts General Hospital
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Rua Vital Brasil, 80, Cidade Universitária, Campinas-SP, CEP: 13.083-888 – Campinas, SP, Brasil
R. Albert Sabin, s/ nº. Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" CEP: 13083-894. Campinas, SP, Brasil.
Desenvolvido pela TI / FCM
FCM - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas